Tell Me to Fight

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Two lovers are not able to understand each other’s feeling completely and that’s why in this fifth part they are living an isolated life. Olive Kernes made a deal with Nicholas and she fulfilled it and Nicholas made the promise of not sleeping with her and he kept it. Deal ended well apparently but from the inside it left them broken.

Olive wanted Nicholas in the form of a husband even when she got to the truth about him and came to know that he was faking everything. Short while later we saw Olive struggling to find the truth about her family and parents, in that situation Nicholas helped her but because of that help she slipped away from him.

Now he wants her back in his life, not for fun or physical pleasure but because of the fact that he thinks that she is the right one for him. True love has emerged from those stunts that he used to play in Tell Me to Stay and Tell Me to Stop in order to tease the lady living with him. Trying to get her back in his life he goes on the dangerous path once again and though this is not the first time for him but this time it is personal.

Tell Me to Fight

Jennie K and Russell Newton keep on giving life to this love story through narration and the impression has just been heart touching. At stage such as this it would be right to say that narration had a big role in the success of Charlotte Byrd’s current series. Sixth part will seal the fate of the two forever, it is love that has purified both and now perhaps it will act as a healer too.


Tell Me to Run

Tell Me to Lie


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