The Black Ice

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Michael Connelly is a very smart writer whose plots in his novels are quite original and something to admire. The mystery thrillers are hard to write and any loophole makes the entire novel sound so ridiculous. This is where he is amazing and his Harry Bosch series is a true reflection of it. The Black Ice novel comes with some amazing suspense that will keep you stick to the novel right until its conclusion when the suspense subsides eventually. Michael Connelly has a trademark style of writing mystery thrillers. You must check out his other mystery thrillers such as The Concrete Blonde and The Last Coyote.

Dick Hill has narrated The Black Ice novel. He made this novel worth listening with his powerful voice and impeccable tonal quality and accent.

The Black Ice

Cal Moore is a narcotics officer whose orders were to check in the latest drug killing that happened in the city. During his investigation, he ends up in a motel room and found the victim’s head cut into several pieces. He was also able to find a suicide note there which was actually in the back pocket of the victim.

Many years ago, Harry Bosch got good with learning the basic and the first rule of becoming a good cop. The rule says to not look for the facts but look for that glue that holds the facts together. Harry in the present time is making some crucial connections. He started with one dead police officer and that lead to a string of other murders that ranges from the drug bazaar of Hollywood Boulevard to the back alleys of the border in the south.

The book promises to be worth your time and should not be missed.

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  • 01. welcome
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