The Boy

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If you are looking for a murder mystery that can horrify you as well, Tami Hoag has something in stock that will fulfill your appetite for sure. The novel describes a crime scene that is one of a kind and can terrorize anyone who has children of his or her own.

As the one killed is a little boy whose mother proves to be the only witness of the whole crime when detective Nick Fourcade comes to the scene. Genevieve the poor women tell the tale of forced entry and then the slaughtering. But the house has no such signs. And as Annie Broussard the other detective on the case and Nick’s wife investigates, the mother of the seven years old, she comes to know that Genevieve had a passed that can shock the whole community.

The whole thing is thrilled when Nora who was the boy’s babysitter and a little girl herself vanishes into thin air. Both Nick and Annie knows that the hint of a serial killer is there. And at the same time the possibility of someone from Genevieve’s past is also there who wants to take revenge from her. And Nora was just the little girl getting on the way and nothing else. As the case progresses and we reach towards the middle the story takes a unique turn. The victim becomes the suspect as well.

The Boy

When the hints lead towards Genevieve who herself is perhaps the killer. She has killed her own son so that she would be able to live a life that she once used to before becoming a mother.

The other two books that you can read along with this one are Deeper Than the Dead and Secrets to the Grave as these two possess the same sort of material that this thriller contains, also it will help you to further understand writer’s work and motives behind the creation of such stories.


Monster: A Psychological Thriller

Deeper Than the Dead


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. The Boy - 001
  • 03. The Boy - 002
  • 04. The Boy - 003
  • 05. The Boy - 004
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  • 08. The Boy - 007
  • 09. The Boy - 008
  • 10. The Boy - 009
  • 11. The Boy - 010
  • 12. The Boy - 011
  • 13. The Boy - 012
  • 14. The Boy - 013
  • 15. The Boy - 014

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