The Burning Land

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Saxon drama continues as Uhtred continues on changing sides all the time because he still isn’t able to decide which side is better for him. Because of his warrior skills King Alfred and the Vikings both want to have him on their side. As a sure game changer it is up to him now to make a decision that can change the course of war forever. King Alfred is sick in this fifth part and one can easily tell from the health description that he is not going to survive much longer. The new heir to the throne is someone whom Uhtred does not like at all. Still Uhtred defends the country against the Vikings number one warrior Harald Bloodhair who shows no mercy towards the people of Wessex.

The Burning Land

Uhtred wins the battle but this time loses trust on the kingdom and now wants to have it under his control by joining hands with the Vikings for the final time. The Last Kingdom and The Pale Horseman are depicted the same sort of story and now it is clear that Uhtred is loyal to the land but to the king or Vikings. The hero wants to live his dream and this is what that makes this hero a complex one. We cannot tell about his state of mind, Bernard Cornwell makes him change sides to make the war interesting as towards the climax he once again shows his readiness to help King Alfred’s daughter.

Thus one thing is crystal clear that we are going to see epic battles in the next books. There is a change in narration once again which also confuses us a little but John Lee is the best of the lot because he possesses the style that can portray the era.


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. (The Saxon Stories #05) The Burning Land - 01
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