The Casual Vacancy

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J.K Rowling finally puts her pen to work for the adults of the age as she writes another masterpiece. The novel is not like her previous hit series i.e full of magic and fantasies.

Also there is no emerging little boy that we see in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Book 1 and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Book 2. Here, the story is about a town named Pagford. Who appears to be an ordinary town in the first glance. But as the story progresses we come to know that there is nothing ordinary about the town. There is war on each and every scale.

The teachers are at war with the students. The rich of the society is at war with the poor of the area and the youth is at war with the elders in the family. Thus there is a situation of restlessness at every level. And these wars at little scales start to go big. It happens, when the man from the town’s council dies all of a sudden at the age of fort.

Nobody knows the reason behind the death of Barry Fair weather all they know is that the seat is vacant and they should be the one filling it in place of Barry. The writer has very neatly described the election campaigns and the dual role of different people in the society.

The Casual Vacancy

The utilitarian is there as well in plenty taking sides and then changing it all of a sudden for their personal goals. Another thing that is interesting about the book is that it covers all the aspects of the society. We see characters that we can find in the real world as well. Which is a brilliant thing that we see in writer’s current work. Tom Hollander’s narration blends well with this novel with a realistic approach.


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