Simple Mailbox

The Evening and the Morning

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England in the middle ages was not sophisticated and this period of English history is loaded with wars on local and state level. All the people wanted to dominate the world and no one was ready to serve other, if someone was serving any other power than that was due to his or her utilitarian approach. This novel by Ken Follett moves in three directions because it talks about three different people with three different professions. One thing in common among the three is their hate for the war and the customs that made them do things that they don’t like.

A boy with boat building experience is thrown away from his homeland along with his family because the territory was snatched by the Vikings. The lad just loved his work and wanted no harm to anyone but none showed mercy on him rather they forced him to obey. Second character and the only female in the novel who has noteworthy appearance is a housewife who wanted more from her life. She two has left her house but that is because she is married to man who lives far from the house of her parents.

The Evening and the Morning

The distance is not an issue for the woman; she has serious issues with the customs that promote fighting spirit. Last one is a monk with a dream to spread education in the whole wide world. John Lee narrates not just three characters but three symbols, one represents a craftsman, second represents woman who hate stupid fights and third one represents religion that is losing grip. Reminds us of The Pillars of the Earth and A Column of Fire that promoted same sort of things when they were published. The author’s views have not changed over the years but now we can say that they are more polished and well developed.



King of Wrath


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 01
  • 03. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 02
  • 04. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 03
  • 05. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 04
  • 06. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 05
  • 07. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 06
  • 08. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 07
  • 09. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 08
  • 10. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 09
  • 11. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 10
  • 12. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 11
  • 13. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 12
  • 14. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 13
  • 15. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 14
  • 16. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 15
  • 17. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 16
  • 18. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 17
  • 19. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 18
  • 20. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 19
  • 21. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 20
  • 22. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 21
  • 23. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 22
  • 24. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 23
  • 25. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 24
  • 26. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 25
  • 27. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 26
  • 28. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 27
  • 29. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 28
  • 30. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 29
  • 31. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 30
  • 32. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 31
  • 33. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 32
  • 34. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 33
  • 35. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 34
  • 36. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 35
  • 37. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 36
  • 38. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 37
  • 39. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 38
  • 40. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 39
  • 41. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 40
  • 42. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 41
  • 43. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 42
  • 44. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 43
  • 45. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 44
  • 46. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 45
  • 47. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 46
  • 48. Ken Follett - The Evening and the Morning - 47

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