The Fifth Vital

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Mike once had a splendid life when he used to be a young lad, walking with his friends, and talking to the neighbors was among his regular habits. Then the calamity approached his town and the boy was among several others whose life was ruined because of the drugs. While the others around him thrived in their professions and passions he just failed to grip his life firmly. People close to him just left him one way or the other, most of the friends who also got addicted died in the years to come.

The Fifth Vital

With no way out of the deadly addiction, all Mike was left with was the light of hope burning in his heart. Somewhere inside his heart a sparkle of light just kept on telling him that he will conquer this one big weakness in his body. It took him quite a long time to get over all the anxieties and mental issues but he was a triumph in the end.

Now years later Mike narrates his tale proudly because he has achieved a status that most people usually fail to achieve. Being a celebrity he presents himself in front of the general public as a role model so that they too can find his kind of spark in their hearts.

His talk and examples from his real-life experience are like a beacon house for the young addicts all over the world. The book is sort of biographical so one cannot expect a climax or dramatic ending but still, it is written extremely well. All details are correct as they are written with proper references and the dates are also mentioned in some places.


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. 01 - The Fifth Vital
  • 03. 02 - The Fifth Vital
  • 04. 03 - The Fifth Vital
  • 05. 04 - The Fifth Vital
  • 06. 05 - The Fifth Vital
  • 07. 06 - The Fifth Vital
  • 08. 07 - The Fifth Vital
  • 09. 08 - The Fifth Vital
  • 10. 09 - The Fifth Vital
  • 11. 10 - The Fifth Vital
  • 12. 11 - The Fifth Vital
  • 13. 12 - The Fifth Vital

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