The Jester

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Michael J. Sullivan is nothing short of exceptional when it comes to write powerful stories with influential characters, which mostly are larger than life and very relatable. This short novel is part of The Riyria Chronicles series by Michael J. Sullivan. The author has once again gone to his go to narrator Tim Gerard Reynolds, who with his stern voice has done a great job with this short novel of 53 minutes.

Who will be the one having the last laugh?

A candle maker, a thief, a pig farmer, a former mercenary couldn’t help themselves to get into a trap. What then happen to them is not a joke at all. When Riyria gets recruited to retrieve treasure of a jester, Hadrian and Royce are supposed to counterpart with a dwarf, who proves himself nothing, but to be a fool. It is important and unavoidable at times to make tough and difficult choices. In the end, the one who laughs last do it as they are only the only ones, who survived that long.

The Jester

This is a standalone short novel spanning just 7200 words, which are beautifully narrated. You really do not need any prior knowledge or know-how of The Riyria Chronicles and The Riyria Revelations novel series in order to enjoy this small book to the fullest. This makes it the best introduction to all the new readers to get a good glimpse of the Riyria veterans and what the whole series is all about.

FREE: Professional Integrity (A Riyria Chronicles Tale) and Rise of Empire are contrasting books by Michael J. Sullivan, which will bring you close to the variation of Michael J. Sullivan as a writer.


The Rose and the Thorn

Fleishman Is in Trouble


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