The Lady of the Rivers

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The Lady of the Rivers By: Philippa Gregory

The Lady of the Rivers is a novel out of the exceptional The Plantagenet and Tudor Novels. It is beautifully written by Philippa Gregory. The author is known for her romantic and historic fiction novels. The Lady of the Rivers is specifically a historic fiction with a riveting tale. The Other Queen is an excellent novel written by the author that is worth mentioning here. Even better, The Other Boleyn Girl is her bestselling novel till date in New York Times.

This book has also been a number one bestselling novel in New York Times. It tells a fascinating tale of the Duchess of Bedford, Jacquetta. She is a woman who moved through a highly treacherous path right amid the battles lines set within the Wars of the Roses.

The Lady of the Rivers

Jacquetta has been a river goddess, descended from Melusina. She always had the gift or power of having a second sight. As a child when she used to visit her uncle, she also met her prisoner there, the Joan of Arc. She saw there her very own power reflected in the young girl and accused her as well of being a witchcraft.

The narration of this chapter is done by Bianca Amato and the performance had been par excellent with stern voice and soulful tone.


Earth Eternal



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