Miss Kopp’s Midnight Confessions

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A true story about two sisters who were opposite in nature and also a profession, one a police Sheriff and the other one a corrupt citizen of the society or in simple world a common criminal of the street who commits street crimes and is involved in all other social ills that could be thought of.

Amy Stewart firstly tells us about Kopp the deputy Sheriff who has a soft corner for the women in distress. Whether the women who are behind the bar are criminals she could not stop herself from helping them in their way out from the narrow jail cells. She helps them in every possible mean whether the charges are severe and most cases true.

Miss Kopp’s Midnight Confessions

Amy Stewart's Miss Kopp's Midnight Confessions: Read an excerpt ...

Kopp faces the most tragic moment of her life when she comes face to face with her sister who is indulged in criminal activities, for the first time she fails to decide whether she is trying to help a women or she is trying to protect her sister who is really a criminal. The writer also describes the era of 1916 in an appropriate way which links the novel with historical events and the moral laws of that time.

The novel also discusses the effects of the world war on society and the economy of the country. Christina Moore has dealt well with the intense situation of the story in the narration department she has proved her skills quite well and has described the story very nicely. The story does not shift back and forth in time and thus moves on one single pattern and the characters are also not present in bulk.  The Missing Boatman – Keith C. Blackmore and Soulbound: Warhammer 40,000 – George Mann should be added to your reading list if you are hungry for more.

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