The Lost Fleet

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Jack Campbell’s series of six books tells us about the fleet that people considered to be dead but the fleet with its hero captain John suddenly returns a century later and join the Alliance fleet when it was about to be destroyed completely.

The author’s story writing techniques can be enjoyed in other books as well including the Ascendant (The Genesis Fleet #2) – Jack Campbell and Destiny of Dragons: The Legacy of Dragons, Book 3 – Jack Campbell. In this lost fleet series, Geary once again wants to live up to the legend of the Black Jack by bringing the Syndic hyper net key back safely.

The fleet under the captain Geary wants to help Alliance fleet by destroying the Sancere system after taking another difficult route so that it becomes difficult for the enemy to chase them down.

The Lost Fleet

Tragedy once again gets into way of Geary and his crew when the Alliance ship leaves them stranded after the crew was divided on the war issue and Geary fleet has to do the rest on their own. The mission of the fleet goes bigger and bigger as they not only try to save themselves but they use their full force to protect the whole human race that is facing a threat of survival in the middle of the series.

The fleet moves through different territories of the enemy but still emerges as a successful group of heroes that do the impossible by risking their lives and also getting trapped in the world of animation for a hundred years.

Throughout the series the fleet moves from one star to the other in the end becoming victorious finally and making their captain the leader of the people. Christian Rummel narrates in a passionate manner and the listener never feels any dizziness as he is always alert because of the energetic narration of the narrator.


Gaslight Murders (Books 1-21)

Broad Band


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    14 thoughts on “The Lost Fleet”

    1. Does the book valiant have chapters missing. It ends on chapter ten in the middle of a battle. In wire ups on other sites, they write that at the end of battle a CEO was caught, and admitted about the aliens…. This is not here?

    2. Well I loved this series there was occasionally a chapter missing before but now ENTIRE BOOKS are. It used to have the entire first 6 books. Now it only has the first 2…. Please fix it.

      To anyone looking for the full series I recommend checking out where you can download the audiobooks for free


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