The Mammoth Hunters

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Getting out of the clan of Cave Bear was never needed yet Ayla wanted to explore the world on her own. All her life she had heard stories about the group known as the Others and then there were people in her clan who thought that she was one of them. To know the truth she set on this expedition in which she first met Whinney a horse that has some characteristics similar to her. She tamed the horse well and found out the first talent that separates her from her clan of the Cave Bear.

Finding Jondalar was like a dream come true, her heart needed someone with whom she could share her feelings and there he was; fell right in her lap in The Valley of Horses. Now she is with him and they are going to the land of the Mammoth Hunters, a clan that happens to be truly hers. Ayla wanted to reach this land that her clan named as the “Others” but now she has fears that they might treat her as an alien from the Ice Age. When she approaches this strange land she witnesses that several others possess the same talents and skills.

Some men can train horses and have the healing skills that Ayla used to cure Jondalar. Ranec among the rest of the men got Ayla’s attention the most and she is surprised that soon she is attracted more to him than Jondalar.

All of this makes Jondalar hate Ranec and he starts his kind of enmity. Sandra Burr uses her voice very carefully here in the narrating the feelings of Ayla about two men that she had never met before. It is during the great hunt that the picture becomes clear for everyone.

The Mammoth Hunters

Still, Ayla remains a little confused about her decision that she made in The Clan of the Cave Bear. Jean M. Auel is letting the main character develop on her own i.e through her experiences. In the end, it would be her own choice that whether she wants to remain or want to go back.


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The Valley of Horses

The Plains of Passage


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