The Ocean at the End of the Lane

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Neil Gaiman name is enough to endorse the quality of the novel. It becomes even more special, if Neil Gaiman himself has done the narration of his novel as well. The Ocean at the End of the Lane is one such novel from the author/ narrator. It is a literary fiction audio book and top class for its plot and performances.

The novel stood as the Audie Award Finalist in the 2104 awards in the fiction category.

The story is set in Sussex, England. It is about a middle aged man, who gets back to his old childhood home for the sake of attending a funeral. He is attracted and pushed down the memory lane after seeing a lovely farm just by the end of the road. He recalled the time when he was only 7 years old and there in that farm, he saw the most extraordinary girl in his whole life. Her name was Lettie Hempstock.

The Ocean at the End of the Lane

He just realized that he didn’t thought about Lettie for decades now, but still sitting beside the pond and recalling all her childhood memories. It was actually the pond, which she had claimed is actually an ocean.

Some 40 years ago, someone committed a suicide in this farm. Suicide was committed inside a stolen car. Just like some sort of a firework’s fuse, the death of that man actually lit a touch-paper and that eventually resonated later in some unbelievable ways. The darkness prevailing was unbridled. It was a lot scary and incomprehensible to the maximum for a little boy.

Neverwhere and Stardust are contemporary science fiction novels from Neil Gaiman and definitely worth your while for its quality of writing and narration.

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