The Pagan Lord

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This time its Matt Bates’ voice that narrates the epic battle scenes for the novel and though the narrators have been changing with each part but the series is still doing fine. Bernard Cornwell never loses grip on the main plot and as an author he has really showed his commitment to the work.

Providing minimal of details in an exact manner is author’s biggest strength because we are able to get a clearer picture in this way. The dream of a unified England seems to be crumbling in the hands of a dying kind as the next to the throne lacks vision and potential. Edward the new king and the son of late Alfred wants to keep peace in the region instead of starting new wars but this is something that is impossible with Vikings on your tail all the time. The Vikings too join forces in the north as they think that the time has come to materialize their dream for which they have been trying in The Last Kingdom and The Pale Horseman as well.

The Pagan Lord

Uhtred is not serving the dreams of the crown anymore because the king he was serving is now gone. Thus free from the oath he too goes to north for the fulfillment of his own dream i.e to get a hold of Northumbrian fortress that had been his true home all this time.

He does not care whether he is going against the King or the Vikings; unification of England is not his dream anymore. Deadly wars again approach the land and surely it will not end until one side is exterminated from the face of the earth.

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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. (The Saxon Stories #07) The Pagan Lord - 1
  • 03. (The Saxon Stories #07) The Pagan Lord - 2
  • 04. (The Saxon Stories #07) The Pagan Lord - 3
  • 05. (The Saxon Stories #07) The Pagan Lord - 4
  • 06. (The Saxon Stories #07) The Pagan Lord - 5
  • 07. (The Saxon Stories #07) The Pagan Lord - 6
  • 08. (The Saxon Stories #07) The Pagan Lord - 7
  • 09. (The Saxon Stories #07) The Pagan Lord - 8
  • 10. (The Saxon Stories #07) The Pagan Lord - 9
  • 11. (The Saxon Stories #07) The Pagan Lord - 10
  • 12. (The Saxon Stories #07) The Pagan Lord - 11
  • 13. (The Saxon Stories #07) The Pagan Lord - 12

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