Time Jumpers-Five Kingdoms, Book 5

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Time Jumpers-Five Kingdoms, Book 5

The novel has finally ended the series of five books by Brandon Mull; surely the end is complete and perfect when we recall the previous four books in the series. The main character Cole can finally rest on the adventure that continued for ages. The feeling of imprisonment finally lifts when Cole breaks the barriers. Throughout Cole is caged in a dream world where dreams suddenly come true with the power of magic. A world that never lets you go free, you are always haunted by magic and curses. Keith Nobbs narration was the most appropriate thing to do for the presentation of the final touch. The narrator has kept in mind all the aspects of the story during the narration and you never get bored even for a single moment during the whole story because the narrator keeps your interest in the story awake all the time. 

Time Jumpers-Five Kingdoms, Book 5

Cole’s desperate desire to get back to his home make us sympathetic toward his character as well as we now that he has been away from his home ever since he stepped foot in this world of magic that too is facing many sorts of dangers and is in a war for its survival against the destructive forces. The description of the five worlds throughout the series finally sums up in this portion and all the riddles in our minds are solved after listening to this last piece. The description of time and space throughout the series is also quite interesting for fiction lovers and those who have some interest in discovering the hidden realities of the time. The realities in the story unfold quite automatically when the time comes and thus Cole is just a puppet in the hands of time. Other books by the author including Fablehaven, Book 1, Sky Raiders and Fablehaven, Book 2 make sure to let you dive into the stories like no other.

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