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Wild Seed

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A fantastic opening of a fantasy that presents two extraordinary creatures on the scene with powers that no other can tame. Octavia E.  Butler creates two new creatures that are surely going to take over the fictional world in the years to come. Much part of the novel is invested on the description of the two though like most of the fictional work their origin is not disclosed fully, we just get some hints along with the main progress of the story.

Doro the first creature that we meet is a shape shifter that can turn into anything in front of your eye. For Doro killing the opponent is not a big deal as this is something that is part of his daily routine. In most part at the start we like Doro assume that he is the only creature of his kind and there is no match for him in this world. Then he meets his match in the form of Anyanwu who proves to be far superior as she can absorb bullets that are shot toward her and has a talent of magical kiss too.

Wild Seed

The two join forces not only to fight the opposite forces but also start the journey for the investigation of truth related to their origin. The villain too are quite powerful if compared with Kindred and Parable of the Sower and have a personality that make them appealing.

Dion Graham’s narration in powerful and clear voice steals the show to some extent but then this time there are sudden slight pauses and you cannot guess whether they were intentional to make the listener alert or not.


Washington Black



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