Reaper: Threat Zero


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After the first successful novel of the sniper series, Harwood comes to us loaded with another breathtaking mission that will make us forget Reaper: Ghost Target and the thrill that chill that it provided. Nicholas Irving spent a lot of time in describing Harwood in the first part that’s why the story starts at a much later stage, not this time the story starts from the word go.

It is the “Family Day” that transforms into a catastrophe when because of an ambush several of the president’s cabinet members lose their lives and families with no clue of the criminal. Vick Harwood gets a facebook feed that shows a different story altogether in which his friend Sammie makes a confession of the whole thing.

Reaper: Threat Zero

Harwood never believed what he saw on facebook and thus started an investigation of his own that results in troubles for his own family as well. The family starts getting the feeling that it is being watched all the time and someone is looking for an opportunity to break into your house. Once again its politics and terrorism combined that make you feel tense as the climax starts becoming more and more complex.

The narration is simple this time because there is a change in the narration department; Brian Troxell is the new man for the job. The narration is simple but still it is appreciable and easily understandable with no hindrance of any sort. So you cannot say that the narration had any bad impact on this second chapter of the sniper series that is though not in continuation to the first part but is well adjusted to it.


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