Lies, Damned Lies and History


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It is Max like always committing mistakes, the twist is that she is not allowed to make things right again. She has made different blunders for example the gun and poisoning situation in Ships and Stings and Wedding Rings but then it was happy ending all the time. Max has never let the future to go out of hands; here the error is perhaps too big even for the St. Mary’s whole team. The timeline is badly interrupted and she does not know why at first, no one allows her to look back in time.

Everyone thinks that the girl has made her final mistake and her end is near because she has endangered the whole mankind. Jodi Taylor in this seventh part has tried to go big on the scene by creating a situation that would look to big for the heroes. Also it has a confession by Max, she has always broken the rules but nobody knows about it because she never got caught. Here she admits her faults and the mistakes that she has made over the years as a historian.

Lies, Damned Lies and History

The department is ready to put her out of the job but it has much bigger task in hands and perhaps it would need Max’s services to correct the past that she has corrupted to the maximum.

If any of the fantasy lovers has not heard any of these sensational books in Zara Ramm’s voice than he can make a start from this one and then give time to the old productions. Each book has a new start and a different ending so the fans are free to choose whatever or whichever they like.


Ships and Stings and Wedding Rings

The Great St. Mary’s Day Out


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