Battle of Thornhurst was fought well by the men who were blessed with superhuman strength by the goddess in Ordination. Allystaire and his men stood against the enemy even when they were not left with the powers of the goddess. They fought with the strength present in their hearts and the courage that was given to them by their leader in Stillbright. The main part of the battle is won, now it is the time for the heroes to attack the rest of the enemies to wipe them out.
Also, the group gathers the remaining population and helps them in reestablishing in their homes. Enemies from all sides slowly lay down arms except one i.e Braech. Braech has gone addicted to the evil powers of the goddess and him along with his Henchmen attack on the land once again. People of Baronies already in a terrible state never thought about such an attack all of a sudden and thus they were not ready for it.
Daniel M. Ford in the opening scenes paints such a situation that we think that the war has finally ended but towards the middle, the real crusade starts. The Sea Dragon wants to change the course of the war so that the people of the land would once again start praising the power of the sea.
The last crusade surpasses all the other wars that took place in the series, narrator Michael Kramer’s special focus on it also highlights it much better. The story was fictional no doubt but the characters of the series look very real during the fights specifically when they were sacrificing for one another.