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Dark Hollow

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Dark Hollow is a horror fiction novel. The book is written by Brian Keene. He is an American podcaster and an author, who is mainly known for his expertise in crime fiction, dark fantasy, comedy, and horror. Brian also won the World Horror grandmaster Award in 2014 and a couple of Bram Stoker Awards as well. If you want to explore his literary archives a bit more then the best novels found there are: Ghost Walk and the City of the Dead: Author’s Preferred Edition.

Chet Williamson did the narration f this novel. He made this horror-comedy book look so lively and people just loved it.

Dark Hollow

The book has something very strange that is happening somewhere in and around the LeHorn’s Hollow. The Eerie, flute piping music is heard in the wee hours and then there is a mysterious fire that was spotted somewhere deep in the forest. Ladies are getting vanished and there was absolutely no trace of them. They were leaving behind their husbands and their entire families.

When the promising novelist by the name of Adam Senft trips upon a very unearthly scene then this all plummets him and the town into a very ancient nightmare. People started believing that the woods in the LeHorn’s Hollow are all haunted. But, something far more badly is waiting there, which was extremely horrifying than a ghost even. It has now been called and it demands now to be satisfied.

Dark Hollow is a very good book and you will get the vibes of those old-time horror tales. There is also an element of comedy in here and this mix with horror is something very unique and refreshing. The performance of Chet was also extraordinary.


Dark Stranger Immortal



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