The Secret of the Stones

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The story has thrill and adventure at its peak and is the best one if someone is looking for story with some murders and a lot of suspense. Ernest Dempsey uses decorative speeches as well to highlight the main scenes in this book. The mystery in the story is related to a 4000 years old legend that perhaps an archaeologist wanted to discover or unravel but he suddenly disappears with no clue at all. The hills of Georgia are the scene of action and the writer has described the whole scene in quite a detail and the scene of the red hills of Georgia are described in high passion.

The Secret of the Stones


The ancient symbols that the archaeologist tries to understand also are not the creation of writer’s imagination alone they are related to several myths of the past and thus are with some history so they don’t struck our mind all of a sudden we are first prepared for them by the writer as he provides certain relations. The main hero is Sean Wyatt once again who is Ernest’s favorite character and can be seen in his other books of the same series like The Secret of the Stones, Lost Chambers Series Book 1 (& Sean Wyatt Series Book 1) – Ernest Dempsey.

Sean Wyatt comes to the scene when he hears about his missing friend who is the archaeologist of course and the murder of the professor who had certain secrets to secure. Sean not only tries to solve the mystery of his missing friend but at the same time he deals with the ancient mystery as well. The story is beautifully narrated by John Glouchevitch, the narrator surely sets the whole drama quite well with his gifted voice and we never lose interest till the final solution of the mystery.


City of Nope

Courting Darkness


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