Night World (1-9)


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The nine books of the series by L.J. Smith take us on the tour of the vampire world, a world that the writer calls the night world and that you can see in his book series The Vampire Diaries: The Salvation – Aubrey Clark, L.J. Smith. It is a world beyond death and even beyond the imaginations of an ordinary human being.

The first part is the revelation of the vampire world when Poppy approaches her death but is saved by her soul mate James. This life however is something close to death and a thing that is worse than life of course as this is the life of a vampire in the night world to which James took her as he possessed the power to open its doors for her.

Night World (1-9)

The next part introduces three new vampire ladies and their brother Ash who takes them back from the human world and with them another human being of his choice.

Each part is a bit different but all the stories are connected to the night world. There is an introduction of the black and white magic in the third part and again an element of true love which is banned in the night world. The vampires are sometimes portrayed as angels even that save the life of human beings but at the very next moment, their devilish face appears before us when they start making bizarre demands from the people they save as a part of their daily routine.

There are also vampire hunters who kill the vampires for pleasure and for the safety of the human race. Each story has a different taste and a different line of characters that have different nature and different powers as well. The rich sentiments of the dark world make the whole atmosphere more energetic and less gloomy. There are a lot of narrators used in the different parts of the series but the narration is overall accurate.     

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