Ceremony in Death

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Once again living out dangerously Eve Dallas confronts another murder case. The murder is not an ordinary one as the murdered one was one from the department. Several questions arise on the scene that whether it was because of something personal or the chain will move on to her other colleagues as well. One thing that Eve has always done in her life is being loyal to her profession all the time.

Ceremony in Death

Even her personal life never affected her work, but this time it becomes personal all of a sudden when the dead body is found outside her house. The personal life is totally dashed to the ground when the husband and wife once again face a clash the same they faced in Glory in Death and Immortal in Death. Roarke watch every move as Eve becomes more and more suspicious in the eyes of the department and her husband.

Ceremony in Death

The evil that Eve discovers is the most devilish one ever confronted by her in her career and as she loses confidence on her husband and department she leaps toward danger for the last time. The plot like always is a strong and appealing one as J.D. Robb takes us to the past lives not only of husband and wife but also the secrets of the department are rediscovered.

Susan Ericksen engages each and every listener with her voice once again as she narrates this fifth part in high passion without any sort of break or laziness. Susan has now become an ingredient that cannot be separated from the series till the last part as she knows the characters right to the core.


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Immortal in Death

Vengeance in Death


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