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Barriers is a post-apocalyptic science fiction fantasy. It is actually a dystopian thriller written by Patrick Skelton. It is a medium paced novel for which the performance job is handled by Anthony Lee, which was an above average performance as per the feedbacks and the reviews.

A couple of recommended books, which the subject author has written are A Temple of Forgotten Spirits: The Complete Adventures of Jack Hong and as well as A Bloody Good Cruise.

In the very near future to come, barrier domes protects the wealthiest cities of planet Earth from the catastrophic types of the solar flares. But in this scenario, only the healthiest of all the elites were ensured protection.

The ones who are not in a definite position to prove their ability to work will be sent in the sanctuaries in order to live in there. The camps just outside the barrier domes where the colonists have little to no support or protection at all from the solar flares. It was obvious that living there was quite brutal and improbable.


Nathan Gallagher is one of those lucky ones, who has a place to live inside the barrier and was in a protected mode. But, his luck soon runs out when his loving adopted son goes through a terrible paralyzing accident.

He is taken back from his parents and is sent back to live in the sanctuaries, where there is just a matter of time, before they would kill him. The life of his son is at stake along with some quarter billion people as well.

The author Patrick Skelton has written a few other fictional novels as well, which you may considering listening to in their audiobook formats.



Wandering Star


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. 1 - Barriers A Dystopian Thriller
  • 03. 2 - Barriers A Dystopian Thriller
  • 04. 3 - Barriers A Dystopian Thriller
  • 05. 4 - Barriers A Dystopian Thriller
  • 06. 5 - Barriers A Dystopian Thriller
  • 07. 6 - Barriers A Dystopian Thriller

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