A Red Death

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A Red Death is a phenomenal writing attempt by the renowned writer, Walter Mosley. It is an exciting book based on mystery thriller genre. The novel is part 2 of the splendid Easy Rawlins mystery novel series. The detective role in the novel is very strong and you will definitely feel a strong connection with the character throughout the length of this book. The 7 hours long narration of this audio book is masterly given by Michael Boatman.

The story is set in the 1953 era in Red-baiting area in Los Angeles. There was a moral tar pit, who was completely ready in order to swallow up Easy Rawlins. Easy is just out of the hurting business and investing his time, money and efforts now in the housing and favoring business. This was also the time, when he got nailed by an IRS agent for tax evasion. The IRS agent was a big time racist and showed great level of discrimination in his work and public dealing.

A Red Death

Darryl T. Craxton, a special FBI agent made a good and a bad offer at the same time to Easy Rawlins. The offer was to intrude the 1st American Baptist Church and then mole on Chaim Wenzler, who is a suspected communist organizer. In return, the FBI officer would bail him out of jail. This was the time when a series of murders begin and things were getting out of control.

The other novels from Walter Mosley, which are worth considering are Down the River unto the Sea and Devil in a Blue Dress.  These recommended books are a mix of crime mystery and fiction, which you will definitely fell in love with.


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. Mosley - A Red Death - PART 1 Of 7
  • 03. Mosley - A Red Death - PART 2 Of 7
  • 04. Mosley - A Red Death - PART 3 Of 7
  • 05. Mosley - A Red Death - PART 4 Of 7
  • 06. Mosley - A Red Death - PART 5 Of 7
  • 07. Mosley - A Red Death - PART 6 Of 7
  • 08. Mosley - A Red Death - PART 7 Of 7

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