Adam of the Road

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An ordinary boy gets a kick of fate which makes his life dashed to the ground in a second. The average but relaxed and blessed life of Adam got destroyed the day he lost the two companions he had. Adam, not a mere teenager had the company of his father and his favorite pet i.e Nick the dog. Together the father and son loved to roam about the cities of England with a worry-free nature, then one day the dog got stolen and Adam failed to find his father too. With nowhere to go the boy started the journey alone in search of a company without which he remains just a lost soul in the world full of mysterious people.

Days of loneliness made him think about himself and his life as a human being. He came to know how little information he had of himself and his father. Elizabeth Janet Gray through the life of Adam makes the listener think about loneliness, character development, and courage to survive. If you are stranded there is only one person you can always go to i.e yourself. And the person which lies in your brain never misguides you at all rather it persuades you to stand firm and determined against all the odds which the world throws at you.

Adam of the Road

Stuart Blinder’s variations in narration are just great here; it is through these variations we get the chance to understand the change of moods of the boy. At times he is scared or horrified and then when he stands tall he becomes confident and daring. Challenges are dealt with courage and not a lot of hues and cries are seen.


Be Water, My Friend



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