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Neverseen is the 4th chapter of the Keeper of the Lost Cities novel series. It is a saga written by Shannon Messenger for the younger audience only. However, the adults also have enjoyed its content, which is absolutely stunning. The author Shannon messenger is a popular name among young audience. Some of her quality novels are Lodestar and Keeper of the Lost Cities, which are definitely worth your while.

The narration of this novel is one of its strongest points, which has been beautifully done by Caitlin Kelly with her strong and expressive voice.


Sophie is back again in this novel to fight with the rebels but this time at least, she is not alone. Her closest and dearest friend from the Lost Cities have finally come with her to become part of the Black Swan. They still have many doubts and reservations against the shadowy organization of which they were a part of. But, for them, the only way forward and the only way to find the answers is to become part of their team and start working with them. Just as they both settled down into their new lives, they discovered even bigger secrets than ever before. Things were far beyond their imagination. However, their enemies were far from being done with them and they unleashed a horrifying plague, which threatened the existence of an entire specie.

Sophie along with her companions battled hard with everything that they had. They also had some new friends joining their group, but there I a consequence for every choice that she make. Trusting any wrong person for him or her friends could be deadly and she might be at a point of no return.





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