Brightly Burning

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Another tale from Valdemar and the heroes just keep on emerging on the scene to save the kingdom that most of the time faces troubles of extreme magnitude. Lavan Chitward the new boy selected for the big responsibility never thought about such a change in his life, as an ordinary boy he kept himself busy in ordinary things.

But fighting for Valdemar is not an ordinary thing because it means that you are one of the Heralds. Living in the city, Lavan used to get little time from his parents because of their tough working routine and he was more of an extra thing in the house. The day he got sick was like a routine day of his life and then he comes to know that his sickness is actually the sign of his powers that have started to appear.

Brightly Burning

Good news for a boy who was already bored with his life but there was an issue as well. If Lavan fails to control his powers everything around him would perish including him. Lavan’s life becomes serious and he becomes fully aware that he is the only one that can save Valdemar but that is after he gets hold of his powers.

Daniel Thomas May’s vibrant voice comes into play in the later stage, at the start and even in the middle Daniel uses a low or dejected tone because he was depicting a boy who was not happy with life. Mercedes Lackey tired to wind up the Valdemar stories at Magic’s Promise and Magic’s Pawn but she just couldn’t do it. Writing stories about the magical world of her imaginations is perhaps the most important thing for her and the stories just ooze out of her mind in an uncontrollable way.


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