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David Farland’s eighth book continues in the same pattern but the twists in the story make it a bit different from the rest. This time the Runelords world is not in danger apparently as it is combining with another world for the combined betterment of both the parallel worlds but no one knew the true outcome of this unification.


The destruction that falls on the world’s are more tragic and devastating this time as the things become tough for our heroes Borenson and Myrrima who have saved their world hundreds of times but they too feel a bit short of resources in this particular situation. The merger of the worlds has resulted in the merger of people as well which resulted in the change in personalities of the human race.

Borenson too mixes up with a devil named Aaath Ulber which changes his physical appearance altogether through his inner personality is still there it tends to fade as the monstrous appearance begin to take control. The geographical change also resulted in a calamity as the mountains and the landscape of the world changes altogether. Several villages are buried under the sand and form other places new cities have emerged from the sand.


The writer has surely succeeded in giving the story a totally new look where there is no monster apparently but the destruction is more than ever also the variation in characters is quite a unique thing. One thing though still remains the same and that is the main character of Borenson who transforms into Aaathe Ulber this time. Ray Porter has played the role of a narrator quite actively and is up to the mark in all aspects of the narration. Runelords books 1 – 7 – David Farland and The Fixer ~ Books 1-2 – Jennifer Lynn Barnes are also among the many interesting books that most of the novel lovers would love to listen to.

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The Shadow Stone

Gone (Gone #1)


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