Defeat’s Victory

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From the last few books Mark Tufo has been concentrating on Michael Talbot more than the fate of the earth. Fate of the earth is dark now whether the humans win the war or lose the mankind has suffered to an extent from which it is hard to repair the fortunes. Everything would start from the first step if the enemies leave the earth in one piece though there is no chance but still hope is something which you cannot kill even in a dying man.

First Mike was evolving in personality and in Victory’s Defeat that personality appeared to be fading. Corrosive talk rigid behavior has become the trend with Mike and he sometime does this intentionally. Luckily the people around him show patience otherwise a fight within the ranks would be seen. This is the concluding part and it is good to hear Sean Runnette ending the series that started up in his voice.

Defeat's Victory

Sean never stumbles or halts at any point, the fluency is never lost and tiring attitude is never ever depicted. Mixing of the sub plots in the main plot really gives us a feeling of enjoyment, these sort of books can be enjoyed again and again because the building relationships among the people at the time of need provides a new picture of mankind. Then those temporary relationships changes into permanent one and the bonds are tested on the toughest of occasions.

Ending was complete and it was something in between tragedy and a happy ending. Far better if compared with other series as it was associated with struggle not just raw fighting with the zombies.


Victory’s Defeat

Death’s Rival


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