Fate of the Fallen

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The favorite hero and the fans first choice Mathias is back with another adventure that remained untold. When it is Mathias there is always a story hidden in the memory attic of the authors like Kel Kade. The author sends the warrior on another mission and with Mathias the missions are bound to end with success which does not mean that there would be a happy ending in it for the war lord.

Working on the old Greek myths and prophesies Mathias finds himself in a lot of trouble this time. Though he has faced hardships but he was always with his trusted friends that allowed him to complete the deadliest of missions with perfection. The line of the friends is thinning the evil is so huge that fighting with it is considered as a stupid decision to make. The line of the friends is decreasing in umber for the warrior and the issues are becoming more and more serious. Kingdoms and Chaos and Reign of Madness are in exact pattern such as this, it is advisable to listen to them first and then come to this one.

Fate of the Fallen

This has more fanciful words and war scenes but the description of the heroes and the details of the scene are not enlarged. Thus if someone has gone through the other two books first than he would have an idea about the author and Nick Podehl’s supreme reign as the narrator. If any of the fans is expecting a happy ending in Mathias case than this is against the repute of the character, he is successful but mourns too over the loss of friends at the end.


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    2 thoughts on “Fate of the Fallen”

    1. “This has more fanciful words and war scenes but the description of the heroes and the details of the scene are not enlarged.”

      What is that even supposed to mean?


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