Gone with the Wind

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Many have written tragedies in literature; most famous were the tragedies that were written by legends like Shakespeare. Even Shakespeare lacked one main thing i.e his stories were not based on the tragedies of ordinary men and women. Margaret Mitchell covers that weakness in literature and the tragedies that she talks about are all from real life and the sufferers are mostly the common man.

The author’s attention remained on the civil war era all her life; it was she who described most aptly the situation of America in the 1860s. People not only fought for their rights but they also fought for their lives that were threatened severely. Places like Georgia were a living hell for those living their lives on the bottom line.

Gone with the Wind

Characters such as Scarlett, Rhett Butler, Ashley Wilkes, and Melanie represent a different class of people and their way of life during the civil war. The days of the war were quite terrible but they never ended at the end of the war. Almost a decade was spent in the reconstruction of what was destroyed during the war days. Surviving in such tough circumstances was quite heroic for the people of that era.

Charlton Griffin narrates the condition of the Georgians to perfection who first fought for their rights and then fought against hunger and miseries after that. But this was not the condition of everyone around; some gained benefits out of these people in a miserable state. Thus the devil came to this part of America in more than one form; luckily the nation survived and achieved what it wanted.


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