HALO: First Strike

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Eric Nylund the man who wrote the first part of the series is back after a gap, and with his return the old fans also return. Second part was not a weak part at all, it too got wide appreciation from the public but still the fans are more attracted to Eric. John and his team accidently entered the Halo in second part because they were forced to make the emergency landing. Landing on the Halo proved a blessing for them because in this way they got the chance to learn about their enemy in detail.

Story shifts to the battlefield again and both sides give heavy blows to each other. The Covenant destroys the stronghold of the human army and the humans on the other hand under the command of John destroy Halo. Its personal from both sides and neither side is ready to show mercy to the other.

HALO: First Strike

On Reach Dr. Catherine Halsey is on the verge of discovering something big that will help the humans in winning the war against the Covenant. Aliens are also not far behind in the discoveries of their own; they have finally located the mother earth and are coming for the core of human civilization. Todd McLaren use full vocal capacity for narrating the third part which is full of excitement. If someone wants to listen to Eric’s work only then he can shift to HALO: The Fall of Reach and HALO: Ghosts of Onyx right after this one. However going in sequence is not a bad idea because none of the parts of this series are written by ordinary authors. Every part possesses a strong plot and the progress of the series does not break at any point.


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HALO: The Flood

HALO: Ghosts of Onyx


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