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The Atlantis Complex

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Artemis’s father was abducted once and then he was about to lose many of his close allies in different battles but the focus never left the boy. His mind has been his strength and with it he has been able to defeat enemies emerging from both worlds. Apart from dealing with the enemies he has also established a big empire for himself with the help of his cunningness in a very young age. Criminal mastermind i.e Artemis has even cheated fairies in The Arctic Incident and The Lost Colony.

Only once in life he tried to be a good guy but that chapter was erased from his memories forever. Here again he suddenly shifts in personality and tries to be a nice guy for both worlds. Every penny that he has ever earned is invested in a special project that according to him would be fruitful for the humans and the fairies. Everyone is impressed but not Holly Short as she thinks that Artemis has gone crazy. The boy can give his life for a noble cause but not his money which makes him crazy.

The Atlantis Complex

Holly Short is sure that the boy is suffering from Atlantis Complex and because of it he is losing his true self very quickly. Meanwhile the real Atlantis is also under attack by an old enemy of Holly Short. If Artemis does not come to his senses soon the world that he knows will never be the same again. Nathaniel Parker narrates the crazy Artemis in a very funny way in this part. Parker through the narration delivers the message that there is something wrong with Artemis, not physically but mentally.

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