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Victory Conditions

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Whole galaxy faced the wrath of the enemy and it would have been an easy path for the enemy if they would have killed Kylara at an initial stage. Gammis Turek killed Ky’s family but she was left alive, the enemy never thought that she would take revenge that much seriously. But she has formed an army of allies now that she gathered in Marque and Reprisal and Engaging the Enemy. Scores will get settled in the battlefield now but the enemy is not that plain in its invasion.

Turek’s possess a special spy network that they have told to no body and that network works with the aid of a rich businessman. With the help of these spies the Turek have been able to affect the bond between the allies and thus the divide and rule game proved successful for them. This time the aliens attack with such heavy and mighty ships that Ky gets no chance to fight back and thus in the end she is left battered. Elizabeth Moon the author of the series once again throws Ky in a pit of losses and makes her rise from the ashes once again.

Victory Conditions

The enemy thinks that they got rid of Ky too in the last combat but she proves them wrong and stands once again for another fight. This legendary fight is also narrated by Cynthia Holloway who has dealt with Ky very well in all situations. In this big final fight the enemy had the upper hand like always but the skills and talent of Ky really shifts the game in the favor of Vatta in the last stage.


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