Last of the Breed

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This compelling and enthralling story chronicles the tales of a U.S Air force major. It is a story or prevalence, sacrifice, and struggle. When Major Joe Mark’s plane came down, he was kept as a prisoner in Siberia by Colonel Zamatev. It wasn’t long before he realized that the information he has was the reason for his capture. And he knew when Zamatev gets the information, he will be killed afterward.

The story detailed Joe’s savagery instincts to free himself from his capture and stay off the radar in the wilderness. He used all sorts of instincts to survive the jungle life he found himself in. After his enthralling escape from Siberia, Joe had to retrace the steps his forefathers took on their way to America. Survival was the only goal for him, as he had to utilize his survival instincts to stay alive.

Last of the Breed

Just like most of Lious L’Amours books, Last of the Breed is a suspense thriller. The story will keep you glued on your seat till the very last page. And if you love the outdoors and a blend of classic adventure, there’s no doubt you will love this book.

One thing about the story is that it’s not just based on the struggles of Joe Mark. Liuos L’amour tried to tell the story of everyone who has cut paths with Joe Mark.

The author tried to diversify the story as much as possible to make sure it’s not only about the protagonist. The story of people that crossed paths with Joe Mark was also told.  Most especially, you will find the struggles of Stephen Baronas and Natalya very interesting.

Louis L’Amour has really raised the bar for adventurous books with this piece. It is intriguing but a lengthy read through.Other novels like Neal Stephenson’s Seveneves and Vince Flynn’s The Last Man are very interesting as well.


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