Lethal White

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Retired from the army because of his injury and working as a private detective, Strike’s life has been going up and down for the past many years. First, his detective business was not clicking, and when it started working well the threats to his life increases. The more cases he solved the more enemies he made among the villains of the city.

Robert Galbraith introduced Robin in Career of Evil which made the series colorful to some extent. Here Robin has been upgraded in rank and she is acting as an equal partner in the office. One day a client comes to the office and he wants to hire these two detectives for a case that has happened long ago in the past. Billy the man who has come with his strange tale does not appear to be mentally stable and it looks like the things of the past have affected his personality a great deal. He wants to solve that case to eradicate the fears from his mind that have been haunting him continuously.

Lethal White

After a while when Billy starts telling the tale something happens to him and he just runs out of the office never to be seen again. Strike and Robin decide to work on this case and their investigation leads them to horrible crime of the past.

Robert Galbraith is continuously increasing the attraction between Strike and Robin. In this part as well one can feel the appeal increasing at an alarming pace. Robert Glenister never used such long breaths in The Cuckoo’s Calling but this is full of it. Also, another thing that impacts negatively on the case is the growing fame of Strike because of which he thinks he cannot investigate freely. People have started noticing him and he cannot investigate by keeping himself unnoticed.


Career of Evil

One for the Money: International Edition


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