Mirror Gate

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The Harbinger Series, Book 2

The Harbinger series come to this next stage where the princess Seraphin Fitzepress finally is forced to emerge perhaps because of the sudden death of her father. She is supposed to be the one true person in the blood line who is eligible for the throne. She knows a thing or two about magic but she is still not skilled enough to accept the challenge of the prince thus she could easily lose to him in the first round.

Mirror Gate

Cettie on the other hand is the one who is one of a kind as the mysteries come easily to her or in simple words she understands the magic in a more easy way, though she belongs to the world down below and she is not allowed to learn the mysteries before in her life until she is adopted by the admiral but the moment she starts learning everything comes naturally to her which means there is a deep secret attached to her, the princess too needs her help in the contest against the prince that she cannot refuse after the death of her father. The two girls are fully developed characters and the story is nicely woven by the Jeff Wheeler like the rest of the parts like Storm Glass and Iron Garland.

The writer also discusses certain issues related to the society in a bold manner. Also the characters that are presented are not flawless; they are bound to make mistakes because of which they suffer in the long run. The narration in the same throughout the series Kate Rudd continues to impress the listeners by the narration. The story also mixes magic and technology together which is a nice blend as it develops more and more in the progression of the story.


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Iron Garland

The Book Thief


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