Odd Thomas got the ability to talk to the people of the other world all of a sudden and he never seems to understand why he was chosen for the job. Not only that, he quickly became famous in both worlds which proved that the selection was right after all. He was able to pull the toughest jobs and tasks that were thrown at him but those tasks were only a rehearsal for the real test. Destiny approaches the hero in form of visions that he starts having out of nowhere. Those visions or dreams led Odd to California where at first everything looked normal but when he started to look more carefully it was awful scenery that he witnessed.
In appearance everything was calm and quiet but the situation was far worse than that he faced in Brother Odd and Odd Thomas. Limited time is at Odd’s hand in this fourth part by Dean Koontz which takes place in a new town. Odd left the hometown because in his dreams he started seeing a woman who needed help and in order to find her he came to the coastal area.
One day while he was on the beach he really saw that girl whom he used to see in his dream. The name of the girl was Annamaria and as Odd tried to reach her he was stopped in a forceful way. Odd is able to find the girl with his mind powers later and comes to know about a terrible thing. A lot of murders take place in this adventure after which Odd remains successful in saving Annamaria.
Although Odd feels dejected on the death of so many people still he gets something to soothe him in the end. David Aaron Baker does not use the old style in this part because it was not needed here. Things were more deadly and serious here thus the narrator has provided a grave voice.
this book will not play at all
Very enjoyable
have fun