Prince of Nightmares

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The story starts with the Ballador’s rooms that can thrill your night with nightmares but then the nightmares start to link certain things together as appear to be in the form of messages of some sort for people linked with special happenings and other things. The story creates deep psychological links of the characters with their pasts and also the connection of nightmares with their lives is something unique in nature which we see for the first time in the story.

Prince of Nightmares

The tale starts on the highlands of the country famous for its scenery i.e Scotland but this is something the reader enjoys for a very brief time as once the characters get in made they are shifted to the zombie land of nightmares that can rip their souls apart. But as soon as the sun appears everything becomes normal and the night is remembered only as a thrilling time and nothing connected to the real life of the people that’s why people like and enjoy the stay as they like the dare that is attached to it.

For Victor Teversham the place behaves a little strange than usual as he comes there after his wife committed suicide, the nightmares that he sees at night are not just nightmares they are like a coded message which starts to haunt him in the day as well. John McNee through the writing and narration has created a masterpiece by joining horrifying nightmares to a suicide scene. The intensity of the story never loses its charm till the very end. The whole scene is ironic as there is beautiful landscape around but the inside of the rooms are darker than you can ever imagine.       

Thirsty for more blood-laden stories you can also listen to  the Dracul – Dacre Stoker, J.D. Barker and Zero Lives Remaining – Adam Cesare.


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