Reckoning of Fallen Gods

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Reckoning of Falling Gods is the much-anticipated book readers of R.A Salvatore’s Child of a Mad God have been waiting for. Salvatore brings his excellent storytelling skills again to the fore with this second book in the series. And again, Gerard Reynolds did justice to the narration. Each character is effectively represented. Unlike in other books, there were no issues with character misrepresentation or the wrong use of diction.

Just like the first series, Reckoning of Fallen Gods centers on the heroics of Aoelyn. It chronicles her life and the battles she had to face.

Aoelyn had to risk her life and lost almost everything dear to her to save the trader Talmade.  In the process of saving Talmade, Aoelyn killed one of the most feared gods. The heroic act of Aoelyn left a lasting impact on Talmade.

Reckoning of Fallen Gods

Later Aoelyn faced a great threat to her life from the vile Mairen.  But she was saved again when she was almost condemned for acts of hearsay.

While still recovering from the incident, Aoelyn   keeps on searching for the truth behind the magic of the variety of stones. In the quest, she became even more powerful. Salvatore made a lot of effort to follow up on the first book with equaling intriguing plots. His efforts were even complimented with Gerard Reynold’s narration.

If you are looking for a properly written fantasy novel that is captivating and interesting, this book is one. Readers obsessed with Tolkien’s series will love this Bob Salvatore’s book as well. One of the problems most authors have is how to properly connect stories in sequels so they flow without much confusion. Salvatore made sure all the questions readers have in the first series are answered in the second book. The linkage was spot-on.


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The Highwayman


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