The Highwayman

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R.A Salvatore (also the author of Boundless: A Drizzt Novel) has taken his reader to yet another long and intriguing ride of epic fantasy. For those who love sci-fi books with epic settings, this book will fill you up completely.

It’s a long read, but one the reader will surely enjoy reading. And Tim Gerard Reynolds did a good narrating job as usual. The Highwayman is the first book in the Saga of the First King series.

The Highwayman

It seems a bit different from other Salvatore’s works, but for fight scene descriptions. The characters, as well as the stories, are as original as if they are all real. One thing this book does to readers is to make them feel as if they are part of the entire story. It is quite an engrossing one from both the author and the narrator. The Highwayman focuses on the World of Corona, and its several religious struggles.

Normally, Corona is a very difficult place to survive. It’s even more difficult for a young orphaned boy ( Bransen Garibond) who has physical disabilities from birth. He has to overcome so much in life at his young age. He drew a lot of courage and strength from the book his parents left for him.

When it comes to character building, the author was very apt. All the characters and their descriptions were on point. And Gerard Reynolds used the right diction for each of the characters in the book. Highwayman is the sought of book you begin and never want to drop until you get to the end. From the beginning to the end, there is action everywhere. Highwayman has actions, intrigues, and suspense all around.  And the author did well not to confuse the readers regarding the progress of the story.




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