Siege-Warrior Chronicles

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Xandre comes to its full potential as we enter the warrior for the fifth time. It’s time for the chosen one to show it true colors by making the people stand against the forces that were considered to be uncontrollable. K.F. Breene starts the war in a slow manner as the rapid war scenes would not have such an impact on the novel and the listeners.

Shanti and Cayan appear to be catalysts that speed up the war so that it can reach its end within no time. Caitlin Davies’ narration too hurries up things in order to depict the urgency in the war.

Siege-Warrior Chronicles

Still the war cannot be concluded as an epic one because things don’t appear to be ending or concluding which means we have to wait for the ending for another part. Xandre on the other hand too does not appear to be going down that easily, he is ready for the fight as he was ready in Invasion and Shadow Lands. These last four parts show a nice coordination between them. The development of the story along with the characters in it is really a fun to watch.

Moreover a warrior spirit will keep you engage all the time. This spirit is not only present in the main character but the common people and even Xandre shows it in plenty.  This can well be termed as a novel that provides the foundation to the upcoming finale which would show the continuation of the battle and then the ending that we are hopeful would be positive. It’s a winner take all situation this time and Shanti could win or lose everything


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