The Bridge Kingdom

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Danielle L. Jensen has written a lot about the world of trolls in the past but this is a new domain in which the book allows us to enter. The Bridge Kingdom is different than the underground kingdom of the trolls. Again it is a woman on whose shoulders lies the burden of saving a kingdom just like The Broken Ones and Stolen Songbird.

Lara got married to the king of the Bridge Kingdom for the sake of peace but that is not the original mission of the girl. Since her birth she was told that the cruel king of the Bridge Kingdom is a threat to all the other kingdoms thus he along with his domain should be destroyed forever.

The Bridge Kingdom

As a bride to the king now she has access to every door and border of the kingdom. With such power, she can destroy the whole thing from the inside and the motive of her life would finally be fulfilled. However, this stay also gives her the time to be with Aren i.e the king of the land. The girl starts observing that nothing in the Bridge Kingdom is like that what she was told.

The kingdom and its king were protecting themselves from the outside world that is constantly trying to invade. Lauren Fortgang and James Patrick Cronin narrate the twist in which Lara finally decides to go against her promises made to the people of her land and stands with her husband for an epic fight. Her spy nature and training still dominates in various places where she fails to control her natural reflexes against her enemies.


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