The Case of the Fiddle-Playing Fox

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Just like all of the stories written in the series for Hank the Cowdog, this is also an interesting book written and narrated by John R. Erickson that describes a new adventure of Hank the Cowdog. This is one hilarious adventure that Hank has to confront where the ranch is at the risk of dealing with a fox with a fiddle who is playing it and enchanting the other on the ranch.

The Case of the Fiddle-Playing Fox

The writer has beautifully explained the whole scenario where the Hank finds out many things about the ranch where everyone heard the voices and music of the fiddle that is actually played by a fix who is going to invade in the ranch and definitely it is the job of the Cow dog named Hank who will defend the ranch from the fox.

The Case of the Fiddle-Playing Fox

But in this adventure hank has to go through many obstacles and many things that may go out of control but he is determined to save the ranch so that no one would be affected by that evil fox fiddle.

The plot of the story is interesting and has been narrated very interestingly as well to keep the interest of the listeners high enough to keep listening until its end.

You will see the Cow dog solve the mystery deal with the real problem and will also enjoy the songs with the narration that is really enjoyable and fun for the kids who love the Cow dog stories including the famous Lost in the Dark Unchanted Forest and Let Sleeping Dogs Lie.


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  • 01. welcome
  • 02. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 1
  • 03. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 2
  • 04. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 3
  • 05. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 4
  • 06. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 5
  • 07. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 6
  • 08. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 7
  • 09. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 8
  • 10. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 9
  • 11. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 10
  • 12. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 11
  • 13. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 12
  • 14. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 13
  • 15. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 14
  • 16. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 15
  • 17. The Case Of The Fiddle - Playing Fox - 16

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