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So many times, critics have tried to say that the series is following the same pattern but no one has been able to brand any of the episodes as uninteresting one. Brynne Asher never makes a dull plot for the novels and then the characters are the tool that adds spice to the display of the story.

Gracie i.e the babysitter by profession was not in any permanent relationship because she used to keep herself well-guarded all the time. Some people thought that she was not made for a relationship because she didn’t admire and of her admirers.

Then one night she met Noah Jarvis who happens to be totally different from her. He was a total killer by profession and when he met Gracie at the wedding, he started thinking in other directions. For the first time in his life, Jarvis was not thinking about his business or money because he was more interested in the woman who was waiting for him.


Jarvis felt that those veils that the woman was keeping were like a smoke screen because from the inside she too was looking for a relationship. The two spent the night together during which they came really close. At the end of the night Kit, Swann and Jason Clarke narrate the sensational departure.

Jarvis knew that he would never be able to forget that one woman so he went after her and that’s where their realities crossed. Souls and Paths came before this book and the fans who have not touched these two books should look for them in the library too. The love which the author talks about in this series is really hot.



The Nineties


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