The Clayborne Brides

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Mikael Naramore was launched as the official narrator of the series in the first part and proved his worth in that first instalment. After that first part, there was no question of changing the narrator of the story because no objection was raised against him.

Mikael’s voice will be heard throughout the series and is a fantastic thing linked to it. The Clayborne brothers were never the good guys initially, and they were not liked by society, and perhaps they hated society even more. After the addition of a baby girl, the attitude of the family completely changed for everyone. Julie Garwood depicts the same surrounding in this second part, but the characters who have fallen in love are different.

The Clayborne Brides

There are two couples in this show and somehow, they haven’t been able to tell the truth to each other for a long time. Due to this shy behaviour, they have lost many happy moments that they could have enjoyed in the past many years.

Travis seems to be a strong man apparently, and he truly is, but he hasn’t not told the truth to his beloved till now. Here he moves to the west in order to tell Emily what he feels about her so that they can unify forever.

Douglas is not like Travis, but he too has a love for a girl named Isabel and will break the silence between them by sheer will. Julie Garwood has a lot to convey to the audience; the brilliance of the author was conveyed in The Wedding and Grace Under Fire in the past. The third part of this series will make you come to it after ending this love story.


Marshal Arcane

Wrong Place Wrong Time


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