The Dame

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As the third book in the Saga of the First King series, The Dame is the continuation of the Of the story of Bransen Garibond.  The author, R.A Salvatore provided answers to a lot of questions from the second book The Ancient.

Salvatore made it easier for readers to follow up, even without reading the previous series. There are a lot of flashbacks to explain what happened in the previous books. The flashbacks didn’t affect the flow of the novel. In fact, it made it more understandable and complete. Without those flashbacks, a reader may find it a bit difficult to decipher what is going on in some areas.

The Dame

Salvatore’s books have always been filled with a lot of intrigues and suspense from the beginning. This one follows the same pattern.  And the narrator Erik Singer provided the right narration suitable for this type of epic story. If you’ve read the book, you would want to listen to the audio version as well. The narrator used the right diction for each of the characters in the book.

There are lots of characters in the book, but the author made sure that each character has their respective roles.

The protagonist Bransen rose through a challenging background to become a full force, to which many rely on. However, there is another twist as another major character, Dame Gwydre, emerges. While Salvatore was developing the character of Bransen, he was also developing the character of Gwydre. Bransen has taken it upon himself to put all wrong things right. However, there are those looking to use his extraordinary battle skills for their own wicked vicious ends.


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The Ancient

The Bear


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