The Drowning Girls

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The Drowning Girls” is the 13th installment in the Detective Josie Quinn series written by Lisa Regan. The story follows Detective Josie Quinn as she investigates the mysterious deaths of several young women in Denton, Pennsylvania. The victims are all found drowned in a nearby river, and the evidence suggests that they were all lured to their deaths.

As Josie and her team dig deeper into the case, they discover a disturbing pattern of behavior from a local man named Leo Solomon. Leo is a charismatic and manipulative man who has a history of preying on vulnerable young women. Josie and her team begin to suspect that Leo may be responsible for the murders, but they struggle to gather enough evidence to prove it.

The Drowning Girls

A knock on the door late in the evening can only mean trouble for Detective Josie Quinn, but fear chokes her at the news that one of her own team is missing. No one has seen Denton PD’s Press Liaison Amber for days and, as she follows the message scrawled on the frosted windscreen of Amber’s car to a nearby dam, Josie hears a piercing scream that tells her she’s too late. But the body they pull from the freezing water is not Amber….

Meanwhile, Josie must also contend with her personal life, including her complicated relationship with her ex-husband, Ray. As the investigation heats up and the body count continues to rise, Josie must confront her own demons and make some difficult decisions in order to bring the killer to justice.

Overall, “The Drowning Girls” is a gripping and suspenseful crime thriller that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end. Regan’s writing is fast-paced and engaging, and the plot is full of twists and turns that will leave readers guessing until the final reveal. Fans of the Detective Josie Quinn series will not be disappointed by this latest installment.


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