The First Phone Call from Heaven

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Mitch Albom’s stories are full of new things and there are many new concepts that we can enjoy and it makes us able to understand certain things. Those issues which we haven’t solved during our early life about religion and the afterlife and discussed in a simple way. Firstly it was Eddie in The Five People You Meet in Heaven who was stunned to see heaven in a unique new way.

Then Annie appeared in the sequel as a full grown-up adult who goes to heaven after the middle of the story. This novel is also about the afterlife as is clear from the name of the book. People of Lake Michigan are stunned when they start receiving phone calls from their friends and family members who were not present in the world of flesh anymore. Calls from the afterlife were surely not a normal thing so people thought that it was a miracle.

The First Phone Call from Heaven

Some thought that it was the result of strong magic. Whatever the reason was, the people were delighted because they were able to talk to those whom they have lost. In the same town, there happens to be a single father who has not been able to forget his wife.

He thought of getting to the bottom of the thing because if the thing was true then he might also be able to talk to his wife. Tuesdays with Morrie told the audience how it is like to meet a person after a long time but here we are talking about the dead ones. No one in the town ever hoped to hear the voice of their dead fellows anymore.


The Next Person You Meet in Heaven

Finding Chika


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